My thinking about Taiwang presidential election(英語版みのる日記1月20日)

January 14, 2012, a result of presidential election in Taiwan, Kuomintang party Ma Ying-jeou won with 6,891,139 votes (51.6% of vote rates), but Democratic Progressive Party Tsai Ing-wen got 6,093,578 votes (45.6% of vote rates) in this election. Their margin is approximately 800,000 votes. However, it showed the bipolarization of the Taiwanese public opinion.

Last year, a Taiwanese education group investigated for young generations(from high school students to university students or technical school students).  According to this survey, 89% of youth raised China as the most non-friendly country. Most of them dislike China because China isolates Taiwan globally.  Futhermore, when Ma announced the possibility of the “peace deal” conclusion with China in his campaign speech, great objection happened immediately. Ma was confused about it and he had to promised with Taiwanese about a confirmation of public consensus by the referendum before the negotiation. Even if pro-Chinese Ma won the election again, many Taiwanese reject Taiwan become a part of China.

The cause of victory of Ma’s reelection is help of the Chinese Communist Party. For example, most of Taiwanese businessmen work in China. The Chinese Communist Party pressed them who were a qualified voter for return to Taiwan. As a result, they voted for Kuomintang which agreed to their profit.  Moreover, the Chinese Communist Party intervened in areas with much Democratic Progressive Party support. In cocere terms, the Chinese side purchases farm products and industrial products of Taizhong and Tainan intensively.  I want to believe that Taiwan does not push forward unification than the present conditions as far as China advocates supremacy principle by the Communist Party alliance system, but Taiwan suddenly increases the investment to China, China also gradually forms assets in Taiwan.  They are named “the economical cooperation that blockaded an ideology” and I’m concerned those situations make the independent country Taiwan‘s identity crisis.

Oppression to Tsai Ing-wen begins at the election next day. “Speak ill of a dead person,” this attitude reminds me of the Sinocentrism. Taiwanese who love democracy must watch Kuomintang well for four years before it change suddenly in the ironhanded autocracy political party such as the Chinese Communist Party.